Dealer-Facilitated Installment Sales
Sell your appreciated asset in a Dealer-Facilitated Installment Sale transaction, without the credit and collateral risk that typically accompany an installment sale. S.Crow Collateral Corp., as a dealer in capital assets, buys the asset from you on an interest-only, non-amortizing installment contract for as long as 30 years.
We re-sell the asset to a subsequent buyer—typically the one to whom you would otherwise have sold the asset directly—usually for cash.
The proceeds of the resale of the asset—or money which you borrow elsewhere, or both—may be placed with a professional investment manager of your choice for an investment strategy of your choice, in a way that can minimize concern about a default by S.Crow Collateral Corp. on its installment obligation to you.
If the tax on your gain on sale is deferred for the term of the installment contract, you may enjoy the use of the tax money in the meantime and eventually pay the tax in depreciated dollars because of inflation during the term.